1009 Fifth Avenue

I love going to The Met… I’m there twice a month at least. I also live in the neighborhood so it isn’t too much of an ordeal to walk over. One thing that’s always caught my eye, was this gorgeous mansion directly across the street. I always thought it was a private school, like so many of the other retired mansions in the area, but it’s not!

It, along with 4 other abutting Beaux Arts mansions, were built in 1901. 1009’s original owners, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Duke, were original backers of Duke University and part owners in the American Tobacco Company. Unfortunately, in the late 1970’s the other 3 mansions would be razed to make way for a 22 story apartment building, something that became all too common to a lot of the mansions, that were architectural marvels, on upper Fifth. 1009 was spared, probably because the Duke’s still owned it.

Today, the home is owned by billionaire Carlos Slim, who purchased it in 2010 for $44 Million. I’m personally thrilled to know that someone is still enjoying this piece of architectural beauty as a single family home. Carlos attempted to sell it in 2018 for $80 Million, but it didn’t sell. I invite you to take a look at some of the amazing interior shots the Latin Times published here. 

Unfortunately, 1009 Fifth is off the market so I can’t get any of you potential buyers in to see it, but let me know if there’s another property that caught your eye and I’ll get us in to take a look.


44 Stuyvesant Street